Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Essence of Teamwork Essay -- Sociology Sociological Team Work Essa

The Essence of Teamwork â€Å"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work. For if one of them should fall, the other one can raise his partner up. But how will it be with just the one who falls when there is not another to raise him up?† – Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10 As the scriptural text quoted above implies, teamwork can accomplish what the individual cannot do on his or her own. Teamwork is defined as â€Å"a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are mutually accountable.† (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993) In today’s society, with so much emphasis on pride and personal achievement, the concept of teamwork seems to be old-fashioned or basic. Clashes of personality, different perspectives and cultures prescribe one to develop a natural inclination toward individual work and an unhealthy reluctance towards team work. Nevertheless, teamwork, if managed properly, can be a source in which complexity is simplified, a problem meets a solution and great things are accomplished. So with the focus on teamwork, what are the present challenges to teamwork? What are some good approaches towards building a successful team? Finally, what are the personal and collective benefits of teamwork? The Challenges to Teamwork When asked the question, â€Å"What are some challenges to teamwork?† most people would respond with common answers such as: conflicts of personalities, stress, job dissatisfaction, unethical behavior, miscommunication or lack of communication. However, with advancements in technology and a never before experienced contact between the western and eastern hemispheres of the world, there are new challenges that are being encountered now and will continue to be dealt with in the future. The challenges that must be met by today’s project teams are: Virtual Project Teaming, Cross-functional teams, Globalization, Diversity and Time to Market Pressure. Most of the common contributing factors to teamwork failure such as personality conflict, miscommunication or stress are the consequences experienced if the previously mentioned challenges are not met. The greater proportion of the work of virtual project teams is carried out online. These sorts of teams exploit reliable and consistent communications in order to work together and overcome some of t... ...dividual ideas. An individual’s communication, critical thinking, evaluation, conflict resolution and academic skills are improved through positive teamwork activities. As a result of good teamwork, social connections are formed between team members that may extend beyond the workplace or classroom and thus improve team morale and camaraderie. An individual’s communication, critical thinking, evaluation, conflict resolution and academic skills are improved. Bibliography: Cohen, E, (1986). Designing Groupwork: Strategies for the Heterogeneous Classroom. New York: Teachers College Press. Katzenbach, J.R and Smith, D.K. (1993). The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High performance Organization. Boston: Harvard Business School. Kliem, R and Anderson, H (2003). The Organizational Engineering Approach to Project Management: The Revolution in Building and Managing Effective Teams. Boca Raton: St. Lucie Press. Lipnack, J and Stamps, J (1997). Virtual Teams: Reaching Across Space, Time, and Organizations with Technology. New York: John Wiley & Sons. New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (1984 Revision). New York: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Happiness Emotion Essay

Happiness is an emotion and feeling of contentment, gladness and pleasure. In some instances it may be in our power or in some other cases it may not be. Feeling of happiness is a transitory stage; however, it can turn into a long-term state when we and our surroundings constantly adopt those practices that cause happiness and pleasure. Maslow talked about long-term happiness. It can be subjective happiness or objective happiness. Maslow belief was on objective happiness. In the state of happiness our own self-deception plays a vital role. One can think of being happy when he’s not or one can be happy and content but not aware of this state. Some philosophers view that the state of being happy is completely under our control. We can choose to be happy or not. The power of being happy or unhappy is a state of mind. Because some people are happy over one thing, while others feel just the opposite of the same thing. It depends on our daily habits and practices. But Maslow believed that happiness is to have a good pleasurable life that one can achieve with his full potential. He thinks one can be happy when one is living a high-quality good life. According to Csikszentmihalyi, the philosophy of happiness in human society has always been under great controversies and discussions. Human brutality, war and conflict have caused great deal of violence, aggression and miseries in the society. Prevailing happiness in the society is not an easy task. It would require improving our relations with others. This includes all kinds of relations, relations between the nations, between different ethnic groups, between different cultures and societies. Developing relationship with others need changing our attitudes. A conflict starts when our attitude and behavior is not good with others. Keeping good attitude and behaving with others gently will only cause happiness to prevail. Harshness, brutality, rudeness, and aggressive attitude give rise to conflict, hatred and eventually war. For maintaining happiness in the society, it is not only important to improve our attitudes but to protect them and promote them to guard happiness. Happiness exists when all rights of people are protected and they get justice when harm is done to them. Philosophers define happiness as not just the ‘end of conflict’ but it’s a continuous process of developing relationships and promoting good behavior. Csikszentmihalyi gives broader view of happiness with respect to its existence and outcomes in history. He analyses how the aggression has existed in society and how happiness had evolved and been affective in prevailing tranquility in the society. Happiness exists in our feelings when our behavior inspires courteousness, love of neighborhood, sympathy, charity, if combined, defeat poverty, discrimination, abuse and other hatred attitudes. Trust in religion can overcome hatred & disgust, while it ends discrimination and does not foster inequity but love. Hurting, destroying and harming others spread pain. However, love halts this devastation and ends pain.   The demands of nurturing and sustaining such love are very high. Respect for religion inspires. According to Csikszentmihalyi, a happy meaningful life might be different in views of different people depending upon the achievements in different areas, which cover happiness, wealth, richness, health, love, marriage, family & relations. However, apart from these, there are spiritual and existential needs that give meaning to life. The desire to attain this meaning is not fulfilled or overcome by relative meanings, but this comes by ultimate gift. The former is limited to specific realm of meaning, while later is permanent, whatever we attain meaninglessness continues. Our moral responsibility is the necessity and our actions take root from our determination and our own choice. For this we are going to answer in the hereafter about our deeds. If our deeds are according to God’s law and His doctrine then we may be rewarded by Him but if our deeds are in rejection to what God created as ‘norms’ of life then we can be punished by Him. A voluntary act differs from a non-voluntary one in that first one has self-conscious advertence (to turn one’s attention to) to that particular action and self-choice for own causality. It has a choice that the act has been chosen by one’s own awareness. Thoughtful ideas and volition consciously started, but later continued merely spontaneously, without reflective advertence remains free because there was a free choice for bringing it about by elective adoption. Lyubomirsky states that everything, which is going on in the world, is the result of some previous event, or events. Therefore, everything that exists is already in pre-determined or pre-existent state and, hence, nothing new can come into existence. This holds the view that every event is simply the result of past events. This, in turn, has deep and radical effects on morality, science, and religion. According to the view of Lyubomirsky anything which is going to happen in the future is unalterable and is caused by prior events. It concludes that human freedom is an illusion. Free will is opposite to what determinism is, it is non-determination and freedom. The conscious of man are free to make genuine undetermined choices. Free will comes in a variety of types and strengths. Lyubomirsky states determination contradict free will and doctrine that it does not exist, because all events, are causally determined. Hence, our will can determine our happiness. This view shows that we’re in a system of parts, and strengthens the view compositional happiness, as commonly view by Christian complementariness in agreement with naturalist. According to Maslow, to build a system with happiness we must construct a physical or biological structure, and to successfully build such system, a mental life would emerge in that system. In support of this view, another philosopher suggests that to have a happy life means to have any peculiar kind of physical and emotional system. Philosophers assert that a person is system of material made up of different parts ordered in appropriate pattern. Thus, happiness may or may not be under our control. It some situations we can do things to make ourselves happy or at other times it may come without alarming. If existence is not taken into the meanings of a prosperous-being then, a society can exist without security, education and rules. But a society can never stand without any health. These three basic things are regarded as the very fundamental human rights namely security, education and health. The absence of the first two destroys the society as a whole but do not interfere with the individuals in a very direct way, but the absence of the third one destroys the entities of that society-the human beings itself. So health is the fundamental issue that a society has to care for. A society is said to exist on three main beams, Security of individuals, Education and health. Poor health conditions could affect the society in a way that even the other two collectively can not do. Nothing is more concerning to a person more than his health. Health is no doubt a basic human right. This basic right of an individual is the duty of a government. Only healthier persons can contribute effectively towards a productive society. Religion inspires courteousness, love of neighborhood, sympathy, charity, if combined, defeat poverty, discrimination, abuse and other hatred attitudes. Trust in religion can overcome hatred & disgust, while it ends discrimination and does not foster inequity but love. Hurting, destroying and harming others spread pain. However, love halts this devastation and ends pain.   The demands of nurturing and sustaining such love are very high. Respect for religion inspires â€Å"civility of love† for humanity, inspires people to trust, pray, and work diligently for a world where all people are respected. According to Lyubomirsky & Sheldon religion, especially monotheism, where God is the sole point of worship creates a direct relationship of man with God. Lyubomirsky & Sheldon’s writing has greatly been influenced by cosmological religiosity from in a sense though he is unable to do so as it largely relates to emotions, behavior and psychological health. He relates cosmological religiosity with human powers of love, emotions, feelings, and value as it is associated with the matter of soul. He stresses that cosmological religiosity is not a religious connotation but a science to deal with mental functioning in health and illness. For him, conscious and unconscious thought is not the matter of belief in God or not to believe in Him but about humanistic view of religion, his attitude, behavior and relationship with people and a positive attitude towards the society. But this humanistic definition of religion doesn’t actually encompass religious connotations. Though, in defining authoritarian view of religion, he is correct to some extent, where monotheism is regarded the only true form of religion while all other are deviation from this truth, he hasn’t yet been able to grasp the actual meaning of religion, its important role in man’s life and in his study of mind. In monotheism only one power, God, dominates, who has to be followed and respected with submission. However, he regards this type of submission as self-destruction. Here Lyubomirsky & Sheldon is proposing an incorrect view of â€Å"submission to God† as self-destruction, because history and facts show that this is the only way of developing a true and loving behavior with the Creator and the His creatures. The form of religion he states right i.e. humanistic, is actually not humanistic but self-indulgence and it hardly leads one to love his society and people but person’s life keeps revolving around himself without realization of duty-bound to his responsibilities and right of God and His people. Hence the three articles conclude about different views of happiness. Happiness lies in one’s inner-self and how we view outside world. Our personality and psychology plays vital role that how we perceive certain things as good for us and some as bad. References A Theory of Human Motivation` by Maslow If We Are So Rich, Why Arent We Happy? by Csikszentmihalyi – Pursuing Happiness by Lyubomirsky, Sheldon, and Schakade.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Rationale For Methodology For Quantitative Research

Rationale for Methodology The quantitative method for this study is being used because of the statistical, arithmetical, or a numerical study of facts gathered through surveys, and questionnaires (Babbie, 2010). The quantitative will allow to measure before and after. This quantitative research is significant because it will statistically show the number of teachers that improve with a before and after test design. The methodology will be a Quantitative Quasi-Experimental Pre-Post Test Design. According to Yin (2011) settled that a qualitative study, the social construction worldwide is usual, while the qualitative depends on the participant’s opinions of the research. Qualitative will focus on interviews and surveys of participants while quantitative will focus on the statistical numbers. Quantitative will use organized research instruments. Qualitative deals more with words while in this study will deal with numbers (Bricki Green, 2015). Qualitative study criticisms; tr ials are small, may not represent the broad population, and maybe hard to express in what way the results are unfair by the investigators own feelings (Bricki Green, 2015). Quantitative research will give a statistical count of the number of teacher mentors on novice teacher self-worth in the classroom versus those without teacher mentors on novice teacher’s self-worth in the classroom. Qualitative will only give small amount of mentor teacher on novice teacher self-worthShow MoreRelatedI Routinely Declare My Belief That Trustworthy Relationships1329 Words   |  6 Pagesstudy provides evidence-based suggestions to support that belief and the importance of trust in a coach (the leader) which can (as suggested by this research) predict future performance of a team. How did you determine if the study s rationale was clearly articulated (express an idea or feeling fluently and coherently)? Yes, the study’s rationale was clearly articulated. 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